Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chapter 10

"Honey, your uncle don't even have his papers right. What kind of liberties you think he has?" Page 85

I am truly amazed that these words were said. This is exactly right, even though the meaning should be wrong. The way I interpret what this police officer said is that since Uncle is illegal, the famous words that America is built on do not apply to him, regardless. These words are, "All men [and women] are created equal." I strongly believe that this is unfair treatment to Uncle's rights even as an undocumented immigrant. Sure, like Kat said today in class, people should be punished for a crime they committed. But technically, not every illegal person is a criminal, and shouldn't be treated like one. My question to you is what do you think should be the punishment?


  1. Yeah, I agree. :)It's a really sad quote, but a good one!! :)

  2. "But technically, not every illegal person is a criminal, and shouldn't be treated like one." This is not true. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines criminal as "a person who has committed a crime". Crossing into the United States without documentation is a crime. I know that this seems unfair, because it doesn't seem like they did anything wrong, but they commited a crime, causing them to be criminals (Sorry I'm being so technical).
    To answer your question, I think that this shouldn't be a crime, and shouldn't be punishable. But, this just isn't going to happen... If this stays a punishable offense then I think that the immigrants should be able to try and get real registration (take the test and whatever). If they can't get the correct documents, then I believe they should be deported.

  3. Wow Sarah I TOTALLY agree. Just because someone has committed a crime they shouldn't be treated incorrectly, and for that I think that the immigration police has been doing a poor job. Even on the news they say it. They are abusing their privileges of the "Badge" and making immigrants a fool of themselves. I also agree that not all immigrants are criminals. Nice blog Sarah.

  4. I agree that people who immigrate from another country for a better life should not be classified as criminals. This might sound weird but the US should be flattered that so many people find the US as a place where their dreams come true. I think that everyone who wants to come to the US should at least get the chance at citizenship.

  5. I agree with what you say and with what Kat said in class. I also agree with what Sara said, that the U.S. should be flattered that so many people want to live in the U.S. and accomplish the American Dream. I don't think they should take one family member away (in this case Abba) for something that the whole family did. Good Blog Sarah.

  6. Sarah, technically, in class I did not call them criminals. But what Maya said actually brings up a good point. They did commit a crime, but you guys are right, they should get the chance to get citizenship, but in the mean time, the police are just doing their jobs to pay their own bills, and pay for their own family. And YES the US should be flattered that all these people want to become part of their US "family".

  7. Like the comments that came before me, I agree. I agree with the fact that the officer's words were a little unfair. I think that he has the write to not let the police officers into his home. I also think he should be allowed to not go to jail or be deported, so that he can take care of his family. Sarah, what do you think his basic human rights are?
    Good quote.

  8. I do agree with everyone, but I'm going to play the devils advocate. These people aren't supposed to be here why should they be treated as legal citizens...

  9. To add on to my earlier comment:

    I think it's sad that people treat this family this way, not only are they regular people they're probably scared out of their witts! The least that woman could've done is be kind to them.

  10. Good point, Maya and your right. I just think that there is a big difference between murder and crossing a border, and that there should be different procedures for each one.

    Dennyce, I agree with what you said about abusing the Badge. It's sickening to think about it, but at the very least, the American officers treat the people better than the Mexican officers... Actually, I'm not sure if that is bad or good.

    I agree with Lighthall and Rebecca. I think it is interesting that both of you thought of America and being flattered, it is something that would never have crossed my mind.

    Kat, I didn't mean to say that you said they were criminals, and I'm sorry it came out that way. What I meant to say was people who do a crime should be punished, in which I completely agree, except that I don't agree with crossing a border without papers as illegal. (I know it sounds nuts, but I know what I think).

    Claire, I like your thinking! To answer your question, I'm not exactly sure. I think he should have the right to apply for citizenship and the right to a FAIR trial to get one. Now, the thing is the government will use any excuse to get him deported, like the situation with Abba. If the government fought fairly, this wouldn't as big of an issue.

    Alissa, I considered that, too. What I just realized is that there should be an "in between". Illegal immigrants shouldn't be treated exactly like citizens in the sense that they can't vote and stuff like that, but they shouldn't be treated like criminals either. Instead, they should find a healthy middle and balance both sides out.

  11. "What I just realized is that there should be an "in between". Illegal immigrants shouldn't be treated exactly like citizens in the sense that they can't vote and stuff like that, but they shouldn't be treated like criminals either. Instead, they should find a healthy middle and balance both sides out."

    I really agree with this. Immigrants should have a "treatment category" of their own.

    I hope this makes enough sense...

  12. Sarah, I agree with your blog, and Kat, I agree with you now that I get a better sense of all of this. The immigrant police people are just doing their job, and yeah, I think that all immigrants should try to get all their citizenship papers so they can be legal.

  13. "Treatment category". That's a great way to put it, Robin!

  14. Honestly these words turn my stomach! That was a TERRIBLE thing to say its like does she even have a heart?!?
    Great Job Sarah in your log for clearly saying your feelings about it, I definitely agree with you!

  15. I don't know. Maya, you were very diplomatic about your answer. I see your logic. Denneyce, nice media citing. Lighthall makes an interesting point. Kat, good comment. Claire agrees. Alissa contradicts herself in the two different comments, but Rabin retaliates and hits it home.

    There is nothing for the type of crime. In the US, criminals are criminals, each sentenced with something not exactly pleasant, ranging from deportation, to the death penalty, to serving time, to paying bail and community service.
    No, it's not fair. Yes, there should be a middle ground. Even despite the word "illegal" in front of the phrase "illegal immigrants," I still don't think of these people as criminals.

  16. i agree with julia. yes they are in the united states illegally but they are not criminals. They did not hurt anyone and they did not steal anything i dont see why they are treating them as if they did.

  17. "This is exactly right, even though the meaning should be wrong".
    Punishment. Ha. I'm agreeing with what Kat said, people should be punished for a crime they committed. But what if its the right kind of crime that was committed? I honestly don't think its wrong to come into the U.S just in order to get a better life for your family or for yourself. I don't see that as a crime. I think stealing, or killing is a crime. People aren't killing someone to get into the country. Not always. I mean its quite frankly the opposite. People are risking their lives just for a better opportunity. Good question Rabina! Awesome job.

  18. you made a great point, quoting the "All men are created equal" part. i think that that is a really good point to give in this situation. To answer your question, i think that instead of being taken to jail, Nadira's uncle should be given asistance for getting documents and to make him legal, because as you said, illigal people are not really criminals.
